lunes, 3 de abril de 2023

FUERZA CON TU PROPIO PESO // Rutina con el propio peso corporal

1 comentario:

  1. I'm Carla and I think it's a good warm-up because apart from being short you can do it at home without needing a lot of material since you only need a mat, it's easy for anyone to do and it only takes 15 minutes.
    These exercises are 10 repetitions of the same exercise, start by doing squats, opening your chest wide, the next one is maintaining the squat position, bring your elbow back and move your head towards where your shoulder is with your body straight, only moving your arms, then do rebounds of squat, next is doing squats moving to the sides each squat you do to one side, now add little bounces. then he does exercises with the four supports he does an exercise raising the knees and the next one is the same but moving forwards and backwards, he adds one that is raising the leg and moving it backwards the last one in this section is you raise the body to the side you take out the opposite leg and hold, then turn to the other side and do the same, do the rest position.
    The following exercises are plank and are very similar to these, but what changes is the posture. In the following exercise what you do is straighten your body, lower yourself down and get into a good posture and come back.
    And to almost finish, he does all kinds of abdominal exercises.
    and to finish he does stretching.


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