lunes, 10 de abril de 2023

Best NBA winning points


2 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen this video because apart from the fact that I really like basketball, it is because with this video you realize the difficulty and the comment that NBA players have. They make unmatched points that I think only they can do. It is a very interesting video because you see how you score some historical and definitive points for the match or for the player individually. It is a video that anyone who does not like basketball can come to like or impress this video. I especially liked this video a lot and I recommend it to everyone.

  2. I thought it was a very interesting video to comment on because I think that watching professionals play like professionals is a great help for us.
    I found it very nice to see professional NBA players playing because apart from having a high level, they play something different to how we are taught.
    To see the ease with which they pass the ball, the moves they make and the incredible shots they take is totally incredible.
    I really like watching videos like this because they are a great help to be able to put into practice what you know and compare it with someone who knows.


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