martes, 29 de diciembre de 2020



2 comentarios:

  1. I find this video that I have chosen to comment very interesting, although it is a bit long, the video shows many exercises to do at home without having to need objects.
    In the video you can see how each exercise is done and follow it with the marked time of how long each one lasts
    In each exercise there are 30 seconds of rest, although it seems a lot to me you can jump them and continue doing them, I also think it is good that you put the name of each exercise
    I think it's a good video to do if you want to start exercising and improve your muscles

  2. In the video there is a girl showing us different exercises, the first one has to move her legs from inside and outside and vice versa and the same with her hands the next exercise the girl is up and goes down, putting her feet on the floor without touching her body. ground, the following is about squats where you have to bend your knees in which you have to sit but maintain the posture without actually sitting down, the next exercise you have to do the squats but once you do the squat you raise one leg and the You play with the elbow, the arms also have to be flexed, and other exercises such as the bicycle, sit-ups, these are some of the different exercises that the girl performs, this video has helped me if I want to practice them


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