lunes, 10 de enero de 2022

5 fundamental steps of basketball


5 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I'm Marta and I liked this video of the fundamental steps in basketball because the boy explains it very well and very well and the examples help to understand it better.

  2. Hey! I'm Hugo. I liked this video because it's well explained, gives the necessary information to know the basic passes of basketball, and gives visual examples to do the video easier to understand. I liked that the creator of the video gives some extra information about basketball because that makes the video look better. About the quality of the video, the music it's not so loud and we can hear the narrator perfectly, I'm not a basketball expert but I think that the passes are correct. In conclusion, the video is well explained with good quality and content.

  3. Hi, I'm Carla and I'm going to explain this video.
    I'm going to explain what are five fundamental pases of basketball, it is the fourth most practiced sport in the word.
    The first is the swood pass.
    The ball is thrown to bounce before receiving it to make it harder to control and easier to receive.
    The second is the chest pass.
    The ball is caught with both hands at chest height, from that position the ball is throwm.
    The third is the back pass.
    It is a pass that is made behind the back with the hand opposite to where the receiver is.
    The fourth is the pass over head.
    With both hands, hold the ball above the head and trhow the ball at the same time as taking a step.
    The fifth is the baseball pass.
    The ball is held over the shoulder with both hands and the ball is thrown by extending the arm

  4. Hi, I'm Silvia and I've chosen this video because passes are fundamental to playing basketball, the dive pass and the chest pass are the easiest to give, then the behind-the-back pass I think is the most complicated because you can miss the ball and the pass over the head and the baseball pass I think they are the least used.
    I liked that after explaining how each pass was given, they put a video of how they do it.


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