martes, 22 de marzo de 2022


2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, my name is Lara and I choose this video of strenghten your abdominals, because in this term were doing stregth of the full body. The exercises proposed in the video are very easy and they can been do it by everyone and its going to be beneficial for us. Also I choose this video becuase it explain why it benefits for our body to have strength in our abdominals. It also says tips for don’t hurt yourself or harm yourself in the future by doing this exercises, which is a very good point. I hope this video helps you to start from cero doing abdominals without any pain.

  2. Hello, my name is Marta and I have chosen this video because I find the abdominal exercises in this video interesting. In the first place, I find it interesting since the girl goes with a personal trainer who explains step by step how to do this series of exercises, prevents the girl from making mistakes in the positions of her body parts. .
    Another thing that has also seemed quite interesting to me is that the explanation he gives is for everyone, so that we all do the exercises the same, because there are times that while you are doing the exercises you think you are doing them well, but in reality the you are doing wrong and there is no one to help you avoid those mistakes. This would be the kind of video that people would watch at her house while she does the exercises, because she explains it so well.


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