martes, 22 de marzo de 2022

Learn the basic rules of basketball


3 comentarios:

  1. Hello Daira, I am Paula Caballero. I liked your video very much because it is really short so it is more easy to watch and understand. I think it is very helpful to understand the basic rules about how to play basketball for beginners. I think this video will help the most of us because we do not know anything about how to play it. Thank for your video I really enjoyed watching it and I founded it very interesting.

  2. Hello, my name is Daira Terán Merino and today I'm going to explain you the basic rules of basketball. He first explain how is the basketball court and the thigs that it has. He then explain how much does the match last. Also he says the places were you shoot depends if you count 2 or 3 points. I think that this is a good video because it show us the basic things of basketball and we can learn too much with this video.
    I hope you like¡

  3. hello daira, I have chosen this video to comment because basketball seems very interesting to me and to see a video in which the basic rules of basketball are clearly explained and in a very short time. I liked that the video was presented in such a way that it simply explains the steps to follow to play a good fair game. It can also be useful for people who want to start in this sport because it explains how to get points or do some other attacking strategy together with the team. About half of the video explains the time that each part lasts and why it is divided into parts


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