martes, 22 de marzo de 2022



2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, my name is Sara & here is my comment about this video
    on this video is shown how to do a workout when you don't have any materials except your own body & its weight (& a mat or any soft surface like a carpet)
    Jenny explains five exercises that take 2 mins in total per exercise (since they´re 1min, 2 rounds) and have a 20 sec. rest.
    The first exercise is squats, where you put your hands together, separate your legs (aprox. your feet are at the same place your shoulders are away between each other) & you go up & down extending your knees.
    The second exercise is static luges, where you stretch one of your legs and bend the knee of the contrary leg, making the stretched leg get even more stretched, you repeat it for both left & right.
    The next exercise is birddog, where you lay in fours, stretching the left arm and right leg up & down, & do the same with the right arm & left leg.
    The fourth exercise is push-ups.
    The fifth exercise is crunches, where you lay down with your legs on a 90º angle, you place your arms behind your head and stretch trying to push towards your knees but without reaching them.
    Then we repeat the same progress again, remembering to do a 20 sec. rest between every exercise.

  2. Hello, my name is Mario and I have chosen this video because I liked how the teacher explains how she exerts force on the part of the body that you want and that has caught my attention. I also liked it a lot, or he goes on saying that he does what positions are the most suitable for doing the exercises, like first of all the squats, where you have to put your hands and feet. I liked the third exercise a lot because it says what posture you have to take and what you don't have to do so you don't get injuries


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