lunes, 21 de marzo de 2022

Strength Rutine


4 comentarios:

  1. Hi I'm Paula Maestro and I have chosen this video to improve my strength. Although this routine requires equipment, specifically weights, I find it very useful. It is made up of several exercises which last 45 seconds with 20 seconds of rest between them. Unlike other routines it teaches you how to warm up before you start doing it so that you don't pull or can prevent them. Exercises such as squats or planks are the ones that will be performed during the video. And finally I recommend it because it is a simple routine which can be done several days a week and that will give results in improving your strength.


  2. Hola soy Valentina y me gusto tu video porque habla sobre una rutina de fuerza, además de eso mejora la movilidad articular y la flexibilidad. Incrementa el colesterol HDL (colesterol “bueno”) y reduce el colesterol LDL (colesterol “malo”). tiene beneficios como :
    el mantenimiento de los órganos internos en sus correctas posiciones, Mejora la postura, porque los músculos implicados en el mantenimiento de la posición erguida se encuentran bien tonificados, Aumenta el gasto de calorías, al incrementar la masa muscular se eleva el metabolismo basal y el cuerpo quema más calorías, aún estando en reposo, Previene lesiones, ya que unos músculos fuertes y desarrollados no sólo protegen a las articulaciones, sino que ejecutan de mejor manera cada movimiento evitando molestias por malas posturas, y resisten en mayor medida trabajos intensos, lo cual reduce el peligro de ciertas sobrecargas.

  3. Hi, I'm Carla Martin and I have chosen this video of my partner Paula about exercises to improve strength from muscle contraction because I find it very interesting. In this video, you need equipment such as weights of the weight that you choose and best suits you. They are exercises that last 45 seconds each and between them, there are rests of 20 seconds each. This video seems to be very useful to improve strength, besides they are very simple exercises and they help a lot. That's why this video is so interesting because it teaches you new exercises that you don't normally do.

  4. Hello
    I'm Alba and I've chosen this video from my classmate Paula.
    In this video, you need material such as weights of the weight of your choice, if you don't have weights, you can use some water bottles or any object that has a little weight. They are exercises that last 45 seconds and between them there are 20 second breaks. I like this video because it is simple and the exercises also help a lot, with these exercises you can improve your strength. I chose it because I had never trained strength before and because they were simple and easy to do, I liked it.


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