jueves, 20 de octubre de 2022

Final Olympic Games 2016 Handball


2 comentarios:

  1. I think that this video is a good representation of what a great handball match is, I think that is a very complex sport and the plays are amazing, I'm getting interest in this sport, watching this video I see other rules that I didn't know before like that you can jump into the area and shoot before touching the floor, like happens in basketball with the triple line shot, I think that you have to be very fast and smart to make the goalkeeper doing an error. I would like to play it more often and I think this match was epic.

  2. I found this video very interesting because I really like handball, I'm not very good at playing it but I really like to see the professionals play so well. How difficult it is to do those things with defenders who don't let you do anything is very complicated. They score some impressive goals, team play is the most important thing and they do it perfectly, one of the sports that requires the most team vision is handball and above all physical fitness, it is one of the toughest sports. In conclusion, I liked this video because handball seems very interesting


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