martes, 25 de octubre de 2022

Fundamentos Básicos del Balonmano


1 comentario:

  1. I have chosen this video because it explains the basic things that a person needs to know to start playing handball correctly.
    First, it explains the technical gestures of handball, which are the catch, the reception, the pass, the shot, the bounce and the feint.
    First, he explains the correct way to catch the ball and teaches how to do it.
    Then he explains how to receive the ball in the correct way, how to place the hands and shows the movement itself.
    He continues explaining how to pass the ball between the players showing it and says the different types of passes there are.
    He then explains how to finish off and what it is apart from the different types of finishes there are.
    It also explains the different boats that can be made.
    And finally it explains what a feint is, how it is done and the different types that exist.
    I found it to be a fairly easy and efficient video to explain the basics of handball.


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