miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2024

Basketball shooting techniques

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Im Diana and I have choose this video because I think that the shooting technique is very important to me in basketball because if you play very well and defend well but then when you shoot you don't score because you don't know how, it might not be very useful.
    I chose this particular video because every time he takes a step for the perfect shot, he stops the video and shows you the position of his hands and body. Also to tell you how not to do it. The most important tips are:
    1. Put the elbow of the hand with which you are going to shoot forming a 90º angle.
    2. If you want to put the other hand for support...
    3. The ball has to go up and your hand has to go down but with outstretched arm.
    I highly recommend this video if you want to improve the technique although it also takes practice.


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