jueves, 14 de marzo de 2024

Las infracciones en el baloncesto | Baloncesto

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello, my name is Ángela and I’m going to comment on the video I chose for this assessment. First of all, I chose this video because I think it´s linked to the subject of this term, which is: basketball. This is because it’s about the rules you must follow while playing this sport.
    What I found interesting about this video is that you can see all the faults with a person representing them, you can see them very carefully because they are in slow motion.
    I didn’t know some of them, for example, the one that says that you cannot bounce the ball by putting your hand below it because it would be a fault.

  2. I really liked this video because it perfectly shows the different infractions that could take place during a basketball game. It explains in a clear way how the things that are prohibited and sanctioned during the match. These could be the double dribble (when you bounce, catch the ball, and bounce again), steps (when you walk more than 3 steps without bouncing), etc. In my opinion, is a very complete video to learn the basketball infractions and useful for those who want to start playing basketball and I would extremely recommend it.

  3. I really like this video of my classmate because it shows the most common infractions that should not be done in basketball.
    It is a super interesting video and it has helped me a lot to improve those mistakes that I make in basketball.
    It is a very short video, it only lasts approximately 2 minutes and is also super entertaining.
    I have to say that there were infractions that I knew about but others have surprised me a lot and made me reconsider the idea that I did not know the rules of basketball as well as I thought.
    It is an incredible video because, as I said before, it is very entertaining, it teaches you a lot of things through examples and the truth is that it is very appreciated.
    I highly recommend it and I hope you like it as much as I do.


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