miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2024

¿Cómo se juega? Reglas básicas | Baloncesto

2 comentarios:

  1. This video shows us how to play basketball and the most basic rules, is much necessary to know hoy to play basketball and the rules. Because if yo don´t know how to play, the people who know the rules must be angry if you don´t play well. I hope you like it.

  2. I have chosen the video of my partner because I think it's good and fun to watch videos about games exciting moments but the most important thing and what we do not look so much is the rules that there are and how we should play to have a good game, no fouls, or bad habits that we can have. This video is very useful to me because in the end we don't realize that basketball has several rules that we must follow and sometimes we play without sense with how important it is.


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