lunes, 9 de abril de 2018

The best basketball plays

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  2. Hello good Morning.
    In my opinion basketball is not my favorite sport, but when I played it I had fun and I had a good time.
    Watching this video you realize what this sport is.
    Practicing and striving can become like them, it is very difficult, but good. The important thing is to have fun and enjoy basketball.
    I hope that those who play basketball continue doing it and those who do not encourage you someday!
    That's all for today!

  3. Hi, my name is Jaime, and I´m from San Gregorio school, and I´m going to comment my classmate video, is a video of the best fiftteen plays of Michael Jordan, one of the best players of the history of basketball for ones the best, in my opinion the best basket is the last one situated the number one of this top, he make a dribble and then shoot the ball to the basket and this one enter. I think there are more worked plays but this one is and individual top and is a very good one, that´s all, goodbye.


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