jueves, 9 de junio de 2022


He elegido este video porque me parece muy bueno para empezar a calentar, la chica lo explica bastante bien y lo entiendes con claridad. Me parece que esta muy bien para la gente que no hace mucho deporte y quiere empezar a hacerlo, es muy tranquilo y calientas bastante bien.

1 comentario:

  1. I think this video is a good way to do a warm-up if you don't know how to do it since it is very easy to follow and anyone can do it.
    It starts in a soft way, moving the joints a certain number of repetitions and then the intensity increases as the video goes on, becoming more intense, adding some movements and jumps.
    he alternates different movements to warm up his arms, to warm up his legs and stretch them, he also does different exercises to begin to be prepared to later have more physical activity.


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