viernes, 10 de mayo de 2024



4 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen this video because I think it is important to know different movements to distract your opponent in football. Also, football needs a lot of technique and reaction speed, so this video shows us how to be good in football by doing some techniques such as the pull behind leg, underfoot stop, Fake kick, stop and go… And it teaches us other activities that train our speed. In conclusion, I think this video is a good video to get a better technique, to do those movements right and train your reaction speed.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I think as a beginner you need to practice your skills to get better at the game you're playing and especially if you aren't going to training or don't have someone to teach you, youtube videos can be very helpful. This video is very good and covers 15 basic skills in a short time. He goes into detail about each skill and how to become better in each of them. I personally believe the three most important skills to get better at in this video are; Change of speed, Fake kick, and stop and go, because if you get good at these, it can overall help you a lot

  4. I chose this video because I think that is important to know some skills in football, for improve your game, or for learn, if you are beginner. This video shows 15 basic skills, and explain it very well, in short time. Also, I think that this video can help people to improve techniques and to learn some skills, that maybe they don't know. In the video, he explains skills like change of speed, stop and go, underfoot stop... In conclusion, I think that this video is great to learn about techniques in football and use that in our matches.


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