lunes, 13 de mayo de 2024

Alba Bautista Hoop World Championship Final


5 comentarios:

  1. Hello, my name is Mónica and I have chosen this video of the gymnast Alba Bautista since she is one of the best-known and best Spanish gymnasts of recent years, who will be in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
    This video is from the final of the Valencia 2023 world championship, in the hoop modality, where I would finish in 7th place.
    Alba is a gymnast who stands out for being very confident and for having great fluidity in her movements, which can be seen perfectly in this video several times. The part that I liked the most about this exercise was the final, where she combines several somersaults ending up freezing the ring

  2. Hello I'm Diego. I choose to do a coment to this video, because I like the gymnastic, realized with the hoops, also she is an spanish represent, she is a good gymnastic and she have a lot of talent, and can have a good oprtunity in the Olimpics Games in Paris 2024. She trought the hoop doing a front rool, later she catch the hoop in the air, the gimnastic the gimnast Alba Bautista have a lot of hability and cordination, this can help to the gimnast to be better in the competition.

  3. Hello Monica, I'm Erika and I have chosen your video because the truth is that I find it very interesting, since it is not a very well-known sport, and I really liked how our country has danced, I find this sport very interesting, and very funny, I really like how he has mixed dancing with hoops and how well he does it, it seems that he has a lot of talent and that he could participate in more competitions, he has quite a bit of skill.

  4. Hi Monica.
    What a nice video!! It's incredible seeing people like Ana Bautista doing this type of thing. Things that people like us never gonna do cause it's so dificult. It's so interesting the movement that she do with the ring. If I was a little bit more alert I hope to understand all the things she do. But actually the only thing that I can say, with no knowledge of what she is doing or about gymnastics. It's that she have a great talent and I hope that she's going to win every thing she wants because she deserve that. :)

  5. commented by Cynthia:
    Me ha parecido mas interesante para saber que hay mas tipos de gimnasia por ejemplo la que ha elegido ella es con el aro y también me gusta mucho y también me ha parecido que tiene talento y que la gusta lo que hace


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