lunes, 13 de mayo de 2024

World Championship of Alba Bautista

I have choosen this video becouse this Gymnast Alba Bautista is one of the represent of the Spain group, she has done  four of five appliances; Ball, Ribbon, Clubs and hoop.

I think that Alba has done very good rutine, becouse the ball doesn't fall in any times and this count a lot, all the types of movement they were so beautiful.

The ball is a very dificult appliacances becouse you have to know how to move, if you don' know is too easy that ball fall.

The movement tha I really like whas the sgtanding curler, becouse its too dificult to stand doing turns and more having to move the ball with one hand, so I valorate a lot. 

The cordination it's a very dificult thin in gymnastics, becouse here it isn't only the elasticity, it count the cordination, how you move, and how you do the differents movements. 

In this competition Alba has the 11ª position. 

2 comentarios:

  1. A mi también me impresiona bastante que en ningún momento se la caiga la pelota ya que hay que estar muy concentrado para ello.
    La coordinación que tiene también me impresiona bastante ya que en unos solos segundos ha echo muchos pasos con la cinta, pelota y aro.
    Hace bastantes pasos muy complicados y me parece que esta muy entrenada para ello y le dedica mucho tiempo a ello.

  2. Hello, I'm Alfonso and I found this video very interesting because it seems to me that to do this type of exercises you have to have a great ability to concentrate and not be nervous and I think it is to be applauded that in this type of circumstance you don't fall the ball in no time and everything turns out the way she wanted it to.
    In addition, you also have to take into account the preparation you have had to achieve what turned out very well and that could also reach your goal.
    To sum up, I find it is amazing Alba's ability to concentrate and also to think about how long she must have been training to achieve it.


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