domingo, 19 de mayo de 2024

Gymnastics Skill Beginners MUST LEARN


2 comentarios:

  1. hello im Rafa and i have choosed this video because the man who recorded it shows you the first skills to enter in the world of gymnastic and it is important to know how to do some of these because are the importants for resistance, strength and above all balance but in addition to this it is essential to be able to do gymnastics exercises so that when you are older you have better mobility and now when you are young it is essential to be able to stretch well and also be able to do very intense exercises such as gymnastics and It can be used for any sport.

  2. Hello, im Eneko and im going to comment this video, is an excellent resource for gymnastics beginners! The instructions are clear and easy to follow, making it perfect for those just starting out. I love how the coach breaks down each skill step-by-step, ensuring that viewers understand the proper technique and safety measures. The focus on fundamental moves like forward rolls, handstands, and cartwheels builds a strong foundation. The tips for improving flexibility and strength are very helpful too. Highly recommend this video for anyone new to gymnastics! Great job Rafa! You made a hard work and its so cool!


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