domingo, 27 de octubre de 2019

A handball´s golkeeper training.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hey Melisa, I´m Guillermo
    Thanks for your video, this help me so much becouse I want to start playing HandBall as a goalkeeper. It was really usefull to know how to train as a goalkeeper, I have to improve my flexibility before I join any team. I don´t want any injury so I have to warm up very hard all the joints of the body.
    Thanks for your video and explaination it was really usefull

  2. Hi Melisa, I am Juan.
    Thanks for pick up this video because before I didn't know how the goalkeepers trained, as they can play with all the body parts and have to enter them all to have a better power capacity for the ball, I have observed that objects are used to improve the speed and development of the Movement. Training with small balls I think is also an advantage to improve their qualities, so I found it interesting to see with objects, which advances can make

  3. Hi everybody,
    I have selected this video because I wanted you to know a little bit about how goalkeepers in handball train to improve their abilities. I´m going to explain you some injuries wich goalkeepers could have if they don't train the necessary time to be prepared for a match. One of the commonest injuries are in the elbows area. They must have a good flexibily to stop the goals. We get to the conclusion that goalkeepers have tu improve first their flexibility to have good defense skills.


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