domingo, 27 de octubre de 2019

Flexibility routines

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  2. I post this video because I think this video is good to improve your flexibility because the girl clearly explains how to do different exercises to practice and better flexibility.Makes the exercises seem easier, which can make it catch our attention more and encourage us to practice them on our own.This video explains everything very well and can be inspiration for those who see it in a way that a lot of people may find it attractive because of the way you explain it.I really like the way she's in explaining the types of stretching and the way he does it.
    I am going to try it!

  3. think that this video that Diego wants to show us is very good since we can improve our capacity when it comes to flexibility and especially boys since it costs us a little more than girls. With this video we can make new training systems and training poses that we can teach to anyone we want to improve their flexibility to me it has helped me a lot for physical education classes and has made me gain resistance when playing football and finish and striate so as not to have sores that usually hurt. Thank you very much for this video that you have come to teach us and to give us your opinion, such as me.

  4. Im think that the video of diego shows good is the flexibility and how good to good practise.With this video you can learn a lot of training method and poses and gain musculature.I learn too much whith this girl and his method i practise and it very difficult and very hard

  5. The video I have chosen is about the flexibility of legs and hips.
    This exercises are good to be more flexible and agile. Also to be healdthier and avoid muscular injuries, to improve strength and to improve the quality of movements .
    It is a type of active flexibility because she practices it alone, without the need for a partner.
    The girl does the exercises and they seem very easy , but you have to have a routine to do it easily. They are exercises that can be done every day at home since they last a short time and do not take away fron doing other things.


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