miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2019



El pase debe ser fuerte y preciso al pecho del compañero. No debe ser un pase englobado ya que hay riesgo de que el contrario lo intercepteDebe acompañar la carrera del compañero. Si un jugador está corriendo hacia adelante el pase debe ir donde va a estar el compañero, acompañando su trayectoria.

1 comentario:

  1. -The throw to the goal is that action of throwing the ball towards the goal with the intention of making a goal. There are different types of handball pitches.

    -To have a good pitch, the arm must be fully stretched when assembling the arm, and when throwing, the shoulder must first fall, then the elbow and finally the wrist to direct the throw.

    -The pass is a technique that must be mastered, it serves to move the ball along the court. An effective pass is one that generates spaces and moves the defense to penetrate it.

    -The pass must be strong and precise to the partner's chest. It should not be a pass included as there is a risk that the opponent intercepts it.


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