domingo, 5 de febrero de 2017

Rules for playing basketball

1-The teams are composed of twelve players of them only five can play at the same time on the court.

2-The game time in FIBA ​​is 40 minutes of real game divided into two parts of 20 minutes.

3-The maximum period of possession is 30 seconds which slows down the game a little.

4-The time you have to surpass the middle of the field is 10 seconds.

5-The assessment of the points is uniform

6-A converted free throw is worth 1 point

7-A field goal inside the perimeter is worth 2 points.

8-A shot taken outside the perimeter is worth 3 points.

9-The ball can not be intercepted in its descending phase and while the ball has not touched the ring, at the moment the ball touches the hoop any player can intercept the ball.

10-A basket is given for valid after the referee has hit.

11-A basket and free throw will be valid if, when the player has been hit, he has already released the ball and inserts it into the ring.

12-If the ball does not enter will be 2 free throws for the player if he has thrown inside the perimeter, if the shot has been outside the perimeter will be 3 free throws for the player.

13-From the seventh lack of equipment the opposing team will start to shoot 2 free throws each time the opposing team commits a personal foul.

14-If a player is within the area delimited by the area of ​​the free throws will be committed a infraction called 3 seconds.

15-If a player retains the ball more than 5 seconds without bouncing it will commit a violation called retention.

16-If a player is taking the bottom and takes more than 5 seconds to get the ball will be in possession of the opposing team.

17-If a player receives the ball and raises both feet off the ground before throwing, he will commit a infraction called steps.

18-If a player receives the ball he throws it and picks it up again, he will commit a double called infraction.

19-If at the end of the game with the clock almost to zero a shot is made this will be valid if the ball has left the hands of the player before the horn sounded. Otherwise it will be canceled.

20-The ball can only be controlled with the hands.

21-If a player physically assaults an opponent it will be committed

22-An unsportsmanlike foul and the team assaulted will be entitled to 2 free throws or 2 free throws and possession of the ball depends on the aggression.

23-If a player insults replies or assaults the referee he will have the right to whistle a technique that is sanctioned with the same as the unsportsmanlike fouls. You can also pitar technique to the coach, the bench for the same reasons as the players.

24-If a player commits 5 fouls he will be eliminated from the match.

1 comentario:

  1. In my opinion knowing the basic rules of basketball is important to then play and have fun with peers and rivals.


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