martes, 9 de mayo de 2017


1 comentario:

  1. Hello good, I am Samuel Merino student of the school San Gregorio the Compassion and like in all the evaluations we have to hang a video and make a comment on the. In this evaluation we had as subjects the speed and the soccer, and I have decided to hang a video on soccer since I practice this sport. The video I've uploaded about soccer is about freestyle, which is a way with a ball you can do whatever you want with it, such as putting it on your back, giving a touch of sitting, etc. In my opinion these things I find very difficult to perform as they move the ball with an impressive dexterity. In this video come out the best of the world in this mopdalidad so I think it is not a little thing, I hope you enjoy the video as I have done and if you want to make a comment, thank you very much and a hug


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