martes, 9 de mayo de 2017


2 comentarios:

  1. Warming up is really really important , even though it can be boring some times , but it is super important to prevent injuries.
    In this video the girl shows different ways of warming up. I found curious that she said that the first thing she do before start stretching is run around the gym , like all of us do in our Physical Education classes.
    She said that is very important to stretch our back , our neck, our wrists , because in some exercises they have to hold our weight.
    We can do most of this stretching exercises , so this is an easy way to warm up all of our joints.
    It is very important that even we can´t do an exercise we keep practicing , because in the end we are going to do it.

  2. Hi Carmen, I'm Ana.
    I liked a lot your post, because, as you said, warming up is one of the most important things in sport.
    We sometimes forget about warming up because, it can be a little bit boring, but if we don't do it we can injure some parts of our body.
    When I was little I went to rhythmic gymnastics classes, and my teacher always said to us that we have to WARM UP, specially our neck, back...
    As you also said, the most important thing is to train hard, that way, you can reach whatever you want.
    Good bye and thank you for the post!!


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