martes, 2 de mayo de 2017


3 comentarios:

  1. This video is impressive the first time I saw it I was amazed how can make such jumps and turns in the air I find it amazing to do these exercises so easily and for me it is impossible to do a simple side wheel, these guys make it easy That really is difficult, you see a fellow of yours make a pine or some gymnastic skill and you seem to do it as if nothing but really then you try to do and you can not perform that exercise but nevertheless if you train and practice it day to day Day at the end is easier than it seems.

    1. What to comment on this video Borja if it is the same as mine.
      I give you all the reason Borja, it is incredible the ease that has to do it, but of course with an effort behind.
      To me in this third quarter it happens to me the same thing, when we started and the partners were practicing, I said, that easy and later you get to do it and there is no way, although with perseverance always you get what you want.

  2. Hi, Borja.
    I comment in the video because I found one of the most interesting.
    This skill that you have put on we have not done in class but it seems even more difficult than we have done, we must have a lot of strength in the arms, be very focused not to make mistakes as it is very dangerous if in a Jump do not grab the bars or the hoops, you can fall badly and do you much damage.


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