domingo, 15 de enero de 2017



3 comentarios:

  1. Hello to everybody!

    Welcome to my post. I'm sure you will like it! Now, I'm going to explain you the reasons of why I have chosen this video for my task in this Physical Education blog:

    1- Volleyball is a game that we have never played in Physical Education before this assessment. It is interesting to learn or watch some plays about a new sport.

    2- Most of us, we don’t know how to defend so well when the other team is attacking, so we can learn some techniques or strategies from the video.

    3- We can also recognise various rules and some types of passes which we should do to pass the ball to the other members of our team, for example:

    * Settle pass
    * Forearm pass

    4- We can learn how do the players block the other team attacks, jumping and rising up his arms behind the net. It is a nice type of defense and we will be able to score a point with it.

    5- As I have said in my last post of the first assessment, I think we are also able to learn watching matches and not only studying theory. It’s nice!


    1- You mustn’t touch the net with you body.

    2- The ball is out when it touches the floor out of the field marked by the lines, not before. You are able to continue defending!

    3- This sport is funnier if you pass the ball between the members of your team!

    Enjoy the video! After that, I am sure you will share my opinion about learning with this material.

    I hope you had a great time watching my post!

    So long!

  2. Hello! I’m Mónica and I would like to comment this video from my mate Mario because I found it very interesting.
    Defending is a very important part of volleyball. You can be good in attacking but if you don´t defend very well, nothing is done. There are some tips you can practice for improving defense. For example, one is to maintain the position and not to move to other spaces so if the ball arrives quickly, you can have enough time to react. Another one, is to extend hands when the other team is smashing, so you can block the ball an avoid a point for them. I hope you found interesting my explanations. See you!

  3. Hi, I am Marco Sevilla and in this comment I'm going to try to resume or explain this video.
    This videos shows us that is not much enough only to attack also is important defend, on this video shows some top ten actions of defense.
    On each defensing moment we can know that the forearm hit or the setting pass are so important in fact I have seen on this video.
    In case I already saw that also in not only be good at volleyball also you need to have a good endurance which we have just complementing on P.E seasons.
    So I think is so important to know and use all the things we have learn these sessions.
    Ok I hope you have understood and enjoy my explanation of this video.


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