martes, 10 de enero de 2017


2 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen this video because they are a very peculiar baskets which are not seen every day.
    I like basketball because i think that is a sport very funny and interesting , and i think also that is a very healty physical activity.
    Basketball is not my favourite sport, but it is one of my favourite sports, but sometimes i don`t play very well, but i am better in basketball than in several sports, such as football, tenis, bádminton... , and finally this is my opinión about this video and about basketball, i hope you liked it and you understand.

  2. I think the video you put is amazing because those plays are very good, when making those plays the opponent or opponent is totally baffled, if you know how to play basketball well you can humiliate the other team, but those plays take time, first You have to train them, then put them into practice, it is normal not to go to the first but when you have very well mastered you can do a good exhibition. There are also very good plays that go down in history. Also in the video, most of the plays that appear, the players perform them and then back down and triple throw, but if they failed all the play had gone wrong, something that is also difficult to triple as there are That have a lot of aim. Well in order that your video is good to see it. By: Fiorella.


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