domingo, 15 de enero de 2017

Volleyball passes

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I am Belén Ruiz from 4 year ESO, and this video that I am going to describe talks about different volleyball passing techniques.
    At the beginning, the man starts saying what is he going to talk about in the video.
    The first thing he explains is the position you should be while you are waiting the ball: you should stand with your right food forward, and your hands should be in “a ready position”, to do a high or a low pass.
    At that time, he points out how to do a low pass: you should clap your hands, but with both palms looking up and the thumps parallel, pointing down and pass the ball with your forearm.
    Afterwards, he explains another position of the hands: you make a fist and put the other hand around it, and as before, your thumbs parallel and pointing down.
    Finally, he mentions another type of pass, similar to both before, grapping your thumb. Then, a girl makes a demonstration of the pass.
    Summing up, I think it is a useful video, due to the fact that teaches, easily, how to do a low pass.
    That all. Bye.

  2. Hello Belén, I think you have done well in choosing this video to publish in the blog this evaluation, because the passes is a basic thing of this sport, which in my opinion is very fun and curious. Although if you do not do the passes correctly you can hurt you. Also this video explains very well how to do the passes, in my opinion the passes of this sport are quite complicated to do, since we are not accustomed, we tend to pass the ball like in basketball, if it is with the hand, or as in futbol, if it is with the foot.


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