sábado, 21 de enero de 2017

Top 10 Volleyball Rio 2016

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello! My name is Mónica. I post this video which is the top 10 of the best spikes in the Olympic games of Rio from 2016. First, I want to mention that in Olympics there are two types of volleyball. One is beach volley which is played in pairs. The other one is one the pitch which is played by six.
    In this video, we can watch volleyball played in a court as the one we played in class. We can watch great skills. For example, there are incredible blocks made by players and great serves.
    The gold medal for women was for China and for men was for Brazil.
    I hope you liked my post.

  2. Hi all, I´m Enrique and this is my comment in the work of Monica.
    I choose this work because I think is important to remember that there are many nice people playing sports different than football or basketball.
    In this video, we can see the top 10 of the best players in the Olympic games of Rio in 2016. This is not the beach volley, this volley is pitch one, the same that we practice on class. We can see great skills like blocks, attacks and defending passes that are very impressive. Also, the players coordinate very well to attack the other time, so is not an individual game. The one that I most like is Alexander Volkov a player from Slovakia.
    The gold medal for women was for China and for man was for Brazil the two there are very good players.
    I hope you like it, and remember to watch the video!


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