martes, 24 de enero de 2017


1 comentario:

  1. What's up! I'm Alba.
    This is my own post of the third assessment of the year in which the 2 topics we are going to learn about are: Basketball and Strength. I have been thinking some interesting enough to speak about, and finally a very unknown topic came to my mind. I think we all have watched the basketball match on TV or even we have gone as spectator to matches. But we do not usually understand beyond scoring or not scoring. I mean, for example, what of the signs made by the referee mean?
    In the picture above there are 22 of the most used ones which are explained and the second one is a ordinary certificate where the match's results are written, including, players details, faults, names of the teams and coaches ...
    Speaking personally, I think is much funny when you understand this things and you do not need to be continuously asking someone.


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