jueves, 31 de octubre de 2019


2 comentarios:

  1. I think it's a really good video to prepare your body for a tennis match, but it doesn't practise the main movements of tennis. So it's good to prepare your body but it's a bad idea to do a complete tennis session with this video. In the other hand, it practise all the parts of the body that you need for a tennis match. In my opinion, I would run slowly to "activate" our body. It trains the legs very much, thing that is Good, beacause they are essential for tennis (moving as fast as you can trying to reach the ball)

  2. It´s a very good video for warm up in tennis because you stretch more less all the parts of your body, for example:your hands,legs,shoulders. For dont´t have a muscle crump.
    It makes different movements such us run sideways, a couple carioca and then steps, move her hips or some arm circles in each direction and you can finish with a shoulder routin. I think that is a perfect mode for have a warm up and then play lot of tennis, I would like to play some tennis one day it could be cool. Thank you and bye bye.


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