jueves, 11 de mayo de 2023

Exhibición Conjunto Senior - ESPAÑA - (5 aros) - Santander


2 comentarios:

  1. In this video we can see an exhibition made up of a set of 5 rings. Each element they make is valued with a score, but since it is an exhibition they do not have to worry about the score they give them. In the corners they always put devices of the same type that you are going to use in the dance, just in case he goes outside, so as not to waste time going to catch him. With the dance that they have made their serious score around 25,700 points, we can see that they are very coordinated so the dance is very good. They have not had to take a spare device so they would not be penalized.

  2. Me ha gustado mucho el video de diana ya que habla de una competición de gimnasia, y cada cosa que hacen tiene una puntuación mas alta o mas baja, pero esto a as gimnastas no les importa mucho por que es una exposición, en las esquinan ponen objetos del mismo tipo por que si se van de la moqueta el objeto no hay que perder tiempo y hay que cogerle rápido, en esta baile están bien coordinadas por lo que el baile es muy bueno y le dan bastantes puntos


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