jueves, 11 de mayo de 2023

Rhythmic Gymnastics Set 5 BALLS

4 comentarios:

  1. After watching many videos from different championships, I have chosen this video of 5 girls from a pre-Olympic test, because it has caught my attention, they have a lot of synchronization and the object they use: the ball, is the object that seems most difficult to me to use since it is much easier for it to escape and you have to calculate your strength very well to launch it. Rhythmic gymnastics seems to me a very curious and difficult sport because to get there as the girls have done is very difficult and you need a lot of practice, and you also have to control your nerves well

  2. In this video we can see a group of gymnasts doing a choreography with balls as material, specifically 5 balls. I was very surprised by the agility and speed of the movements throughout the choreography, as everything was coordinated to the music and dexterity with the balls, taking them from one place to another with such precision and speed has seemed amazing to me. In addition, I am very struck by the flexibility that the gymnasts have throughout the performance and all the movements they make. Rhythmic gymnastics is not one of my favorite sports, although I would love to know how to practice it, but I still loved this video.

  3. In this video we can see some Spanish gymnasts doing a gymnastic exercise with balls, it is very difficult to do any gymnastic skills but if you are going to perform it with balls, you need coordination, flexibility, teamwork, and many many hours of practicing together to find the perfection. I find it really difficult and I appreciate the effort they do to perform it well. Music is also very important to catch the attention when they want to, also when they are practicing the movements or choreography helps them to know when they have to do each movement within the music.

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