lunes, 24 de octubre de 2022

Flexibility training

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I'm Paula Salvador and I'm going to comment on this video about flexibility. I find it interesting why you can train to try to be more flexible by doing different exercises. the laterals then opens the legs and begins to lower the trunk towards the foot for 20 seconds, in the following exercise stands vertically with one leg forward and the trunk in parallel with the leg then raises one arm for 20 seconds, and in the same position take the rear leg and grab it with the hand, we return to the initial position and put the trunk in the middle with the head down. Thus, we do the same process on the opposite side. And by doing this type of exercise we can achieve greater flexibility

  2. Hi, I'm Carlos and I'm going to make a comment about flexibility. Flexibility is a physical capacity that all human beings have. It is true that girls almost always have more flexibility than boys but that does not matter because you can always work to have more flexibility. To have more flexibility you have to do different types of stretching for a certain time and by doing that every day you can improve your flexibility.


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