domingo, 23 de octubre de 2022

The Most Potent FLEXIBILITY Routine for your legs (10 min. Follow Along)

2 comentarios:

  1. I am Naiala López, I have chosen this video because I find it very interesting that it focuses on a part of the body, in this case the legs, it seems to me that she performs complete exercises and knows how to explain them correctly, so that you can do them at home. A positive aspect of this video is that it is in English, because this way you can increase your vocabulary and this subject is in English. I like the type of exercises he does, if you follow his exercises you will get more flexibility in your legs.

  2. Hi, I'm Paula Salvador and I'm going to comment on this video because I found the type of training she does to stretch interesting, first she starts by standing straight on the wall and begins to lower her leg next to her body, bending one foot and placing it on the wall, then start stretching the quadriceps part by moving the rest of the body without moving the foot from the wall and so on continuously. And the next exercise he performs is by fully stretching his body and without moving his legs, lowering his trunk and trying to touch the ground, and now without moving his trunk, he bends his legs up and down. I hope you liked my comment.


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