miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2022

Sweden vs Spain | Handball EHF Final


5 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I'm Jaime Malanda Castelao and I have chosen this video because I think we need to see how our Handball country selection is also there. In this video we can see the highlights of the final of the EHF tournament in wich Spain was playing. Spain didn't won the match but we can see that they have a very high level not to underestimate. I also have chosen this video because we can see very different techniques that we can learn and aplied.
    Finally I want to say that I find hanball a very good sport and very fun to play.

  2. Es un buen video en el cual se resumen las jugadas más importantes del partido en el cual está jugando España contra Suecia vemos como ambos equipos saben manejar muy bien la pelota en el campo, como amagan, como hacen falsos pases como suben a atacar, como bajan luego corrienod a defender, y ahí es cuando te das cuenta de lo rapido y explosivo que es el Balonmano. También la tarea de portero está muy bien ejecutada para el pequeño margen de tiempo que tiene para reaccionar. Es un buen resumen de partido y lo único que no me gusta es que no está en español.

  3. Hi, I am Carla.I think it's a very interesting video since you get the best moments of the game, the final was close and Spain has a good team in this sport. I also like it because handball is a sport that has always caught my attention. Lastly, I would like to say that although these sports are not very popular, they should be seen more by people since they teach you the values ​​of another type of sport that is not soccer, since it is the most popular in our country

  4. Hi I am Adrián Millán García, and I would like to comment this video because I think it's a very interesting video and can help everyone who watches it know a little bit more about this sport. In this video we can see the best moments and highlights from an international game between Sweden and Spain, it's very entertaining watching the different plays in the match and how they can do it. I have chosen this video because I like this sport and I find it interesting to play and also to watch. So this has been my comment in this video.

  5. Me llamo Dani y me gusta este video porque España llegó a las finales contra Suicia. Es un video que puedes ver las jugadas que hacen, la forma de tirar el balón... aunque haya perdido España sirve igual para ver y aprender a jugar.


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