lunes, 24 de octubre de 2022

Handball - Rules of the Game explained in one minute


2 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen this video because I found it the most attractive, more than anything because before you start playing a sport you have to know its rules and how you can start practicing this sport. What is talked about in the video is that you can not enter inside the area, there are 7 players, 30 minutes with 10 rest, you can change the players whenever you want, what has caught my attention is that there are cards of almost all colors, also something striking is that if they have passed the determined time and have not yet made the 8 passes or have not thrown the referee whistle and the ball for the opposing team and this is the most interesting thing about the video.

  2. I have chosen the naroa video because it talks about the main handball rules of the sport, I think it is the basis on which we rely when learning a new sport. It has caught my attention because I did not know that there were several cards in the football, there have to be seven players on the field and the coach can exchange them whenever he wants and sees it necessary. There is a rule which says that if you pass the field and in a certain time you have not shot on goal, the referee whistles ball for the other team. They are data that seem unnecessary but help you learn more about the sport. And I've learned that from the naroa video.


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