sábado, 21 de enero de 2017

Types of volleyball serves

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I am Yohana Arenas, 4 years old ESO, from San Gregorio school and this video I've uploaded talks about different volleyball lootings. I chose this video because the passes are the basics of this sport. Also this video explains very well how to make the passes.
    At first, the man begins by saying what he is going to talk about in the video that is Voleo, Low Blow, Sack and Remate.
    Everything that is saying in video we have been practicing in the physical education classes of the second quarter.
    I think it's a useful video, due to the fact that it teaches, easily, how to make several serves.
    This is all. Bye

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. Hi, I really liked the video and found it interesting, as it explains:
      1-) The volley followed up ten times.
      2-) The volleys, frets and returns.
      3.) Hit low against the wall.
      4-) Reception to a shot with low blow.
      5-) The serve for short down.
      6.) The long serve from below.
      7-) The short throw from above.
      8-) The long serve from above.
      9-) The arm exercise to finish.
      10-) Cycle of steps plus jump and hit of shot.
      In addition to seem very useful since it can help you a lot.


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