lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017


2 comentarios:

  1. This post is about a Spanish gymnastic called Almudena Cid.
    She's the only one in the history who has got to the final in four Olympics: Atlanta, Sydney, Athens and Beijing.
    She won the gold in the individual final of Gymnastics in the Mediterranean Olympics in Almería, Spain at 2005.
    At 2008 of August, she retired of the professional sport after got her fourth Olimpic final. It was an Individual Spanish Rhythmic Gymnast.
    Almudena began rhythmic gymnastics at the age of six. Now she lives in Madrid. She speaks Spanish, Basque and English. She was one of very few Western European gymnasts able to compete seriously against gymnasts from Eastern Europe.

  2. In my opinion is a very interesting subject, and a duverted way of learning the skills of gymnastics.


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