martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

Warm Up

4 comentarios:

  1. Hello my name is Aitor and today I bring you this video tutorial to warm up before exercising.

  2. Hello DJPalanca ,video you me to seemed still well that not and understood very well the process of which it wanted to explain and it does not also go very related to what we have done but for the rest to seem to me to be interesting to know also this type of contents.

  3. Hello everyone I think this training is very complete since these stretches are very good not to injure you when doing a certain sport since if you do not do before doing a good warm up exercises I think you could get seriously injured or suffer some kind of pain later Of physical exercise.
    Well I hope you there helped this personal opinion

  4. Hello, this video of wert up I liked it and it's very interesting


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