lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017


2 comentarios:

  1. Hi! I decided to put this video, because I think that in all the sports is really really important to warm up our body, to evite injurts. She shows us different forms to warm up, for example, laying up on the ground try to join our legs with our arms, and the same but laying down, other exercise is to move our shoulders forward and backard. Also, is really important to warm up our wrists and neck, because there are two joints that have a really important role in the gymnastics habilities.
    So, there is very important to warm up our body, after doing some sport, but in this case, some gymnastic skill, where it takes important the upper part of our body.

  2. Hello Marina,video you me to seemed still well that not and understood very well the process of which it wanted to explain and it does not also go very related to what we have done but for the rest to seem to me to be interesting to know also this type of contents.


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