viernes, 24 de enero de 2020


2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I´am Fernando! This is a video of the sport that we were practicing during this term. I think that this video is very spectacular specially the things that they do and how they do. Also is good to see it because we can see the things that we practice during the lesson and also we can learn how to do it. In the video we can see all the teammates coopering and playing like a team. For these reason I think that this video is spectacular and I recomendate to see these video and learn something about it.

  2. Hi, I'm Hugo. This video that you have given us has helped me a lot is very similar to mine but great plays are very good and that people like to see and as I said in mine the illusion that many players have for playing this sport . So thank you very much because you have helped us a lot or at least it has helped me a lot because I was able to be inspired when playing and trying to make some of those plays that are seen in the video.
    Greetings Hugo.


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