domingo, 26 de enero de 2020

The Forearm Passes in Volleyball

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi guys, I'm Lorena and I'm posting here again, in this case I'm going to show you how to make a good forearm passe in Volleyball. In the video begin to teach us so that forearm passes are useful. And then they start saying us how to do it. First we have to put in the specific position, that is doing flexion with our legs and opening them little more than the width of the hips. Then you have to preparet your arms together and straight to receive the ball. Finally the return of the ball, boosting the ball while flexing the legs. I think that that video is really interesting and usefull. I hope you think the same¡¡

  2. Hey Lorena, I´m Guillermo and I´m posting here becouse I saw your Blog Task and I found it very interesting since the video explains very well the topic you want to deal with, which are the forearm passes, these passes are complicated because if you give the wrong touches you can damage your arm. This video has helped me since I was very bad at volleyball and now I have better forearm passes thanks to this video. I still have to practise a lot but I think I´m pretty good. Thank you for this video Lorena I hope I get good at volleyball.


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