lunes, 17 de mayo de 2021

Complete 30 Min ABS Workout


4 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I'm Marta!
    I have chosen this video because it seems very interesting to me how the boy does different exercises in a certain time, I think it is quite interesting to do sit-ups, like any type of resistance exercise, to get used to doing sports and learn to take care of yourself and see yourself every day a little better, I also liked this video because it tells you the exercises you are doing and for how long.

  2. Hi, I'm Sara Rodríguez and I have chosen this video because I have tried this workout and I think it is very good to work your abs. I also think it is a good workout because it is not very difficult and anyone of every fitness level can do it. You don't need any equipment to do this workout. In this routine, each exercise lasts 40 seconds and between each exercise there is a rest of 20 seconds. This video has cardio but the guy tells other ways to do the cardio exercises so that people with bad knees can do them.

  3. Hi, I'm Paula, I have chosen this video of my partner because I find it interesting because she performs several sets of exercises and anyone can practice them and they are not performed with any equipment such as weights etc..
    The video makes exercises that allow you to improve your resistance and get a fitness body. The exercises he performs are some like abdominals, jumping jacks and many others, but each of them only lasts about 40 seconds.
    And because some exercises in which some people have problems in knees or other parts says other ways to do them so that they do not suffer.
    And I recommend it because it seems to me a simple and very effective routine.

  4. It is a very good video since it explains the exercises well and that you are exercising when you are doing them, also the background music gives a very good atmosphere and is reliable.
    The only thing I do not like is that it extends a lot, so it is a video that I would recommend and let them know that the next day they will not be able to move from the ajugetas


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