jueves, 3 de febrero de 2022


6 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I'm Noa and for this second term I have chosen this video of basketball. I think this video is great because at the same time that you are doing and practicing basketball you also can have fun doing it with the Tabata and it’s music. I think the video is very well created, if you don’t understand one language, in the video it shows you in English and in Spanish so that you don’t have any problems reading it or understanding it. In my opinion it’s a great way to learn the basics of bouncing in basketball.

  2. Me ha gustado este video por que hace diferentes ejercicios con dos balones de baloncesto y nunca había visto esos ejercicios con dos balones.

  3. Hi I'm Naroa, I chose Noa's video because I think it's very cool and at the same time that they are teaching you basketball techniques they put tabata and his music and I think those things are interesting. The video is great because as Noa said if you do not understand something they also put it in English or Spanish and so you can learn or they put it so you can read it, it's great that idea I really liked and I think it's great prepared. It is a good method to be able to practice this sport that is amazing.

  4. Hi, I'm Naiala,I have selected noa's video because I think she does some very interesting exercises. And if you want to start playing basketball it is very important to have control of the ball, therefore these exercises are very important. I like it a lot because the boy seems to want to play and teach the people who are watching him. I like that the video has music playing in the background because it helps motivate you, I also like that you are doing this outdoors, and have enough space to do the exercises you are doing. When I started playing basketball we were told to do this kind of exercise.

  5. I think it is a good video, because it helps us to train the body and prepare it for a basketball session. If you use this video and do the exercises that are in it, when you play basketball you will be more physically prepared, because that is what the video is prepared for, you will not get tired so much when you practice basketball. The man in the video teaches us how to bounce the basketball to make it easier for us to train our body and movements, he does more things in the video to train you. Very interesting!


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