viernes, 11 de febrero de 2022

Exercise to improve specific speed

3 comentarios:

  1. This video is about how to improve speed in basketball, to achieve this we are shown an activity in pairs, it also explains the two types of speeds, conventional speed and specific speed, these two speeds differ in that conventional speed is the sprint speed in a straight line, instead the specific speed is the speed of a player who has to change speeds, directions and can even do footwork to mislead the rival, this speed is because it is very difficult in basketball to run ten meters in a straight line and that nobody tries to block or remove the ball.

  2. I loved this video because of the way it explains it, I explain it very clearly and very easy to understand. I have seen this video because I wanted to increase my running speed and I think I have achieved it, I have been practicing and it has helped me a lot. I liked the video because it explains it very well and it works, I wasn't running very fast but I'm making progress and I think I'm doing well. The truth is that I like this type of video because everyone can understand it and everyone can do it. Good video, Goodbye

  3. Good video it shows you how to run in the sport, and the things they do are very usefull to pass a good time and physiçaly it helps you some of the exeçiçes are very usefull for the real sport and things related to it also its vey easy to understand and u see what to do fast how to reaçt, hot to açelerate and stay withh that veloçity, it does progress on people easy
    Good video


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