lunes, 21 de febrero de 2022

Teach yourself gymnastics


3 comentarios:

  1. I choose this video because I like the explanation and the advice and tips are really good. The girl makes it seem easy and it is explained in a way that everybody can understand and do.
    I think that this video can be really helpful for people who want to do gymnastics but don't know to start.
    It starts with some basic stretches that warm up your body. Then, the difficulty starts increasing but it doesn't get very hard. It continues with some basic skills of gymnastics and with each skill it tells you some tips to do it better.

  2. Me gusta este video porque te explica los calentamientos y estiramientos que hay que hacer. Y los movimientos de gimnasia rítmica.

  3. I have chosen Lucia’s video to do the comment because when I saw the video, I thought the way of explaining and showing the basic of gymnastics is good. In the video the first thing she does is show you how to stretch and I think that is a key part of doing any sport. Then she shows you how to do different activities of gymnastics, the girl then keeps increasing the difficulty of the techniques but without getting to a high level, so it is easy to follow. In every thing she does she gives you tips on how to do better.


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