jueves, 10 de febrero de 2022

Los Angeles Lakers VS Golden State Warriors (NBA FULL GAME) 2021-2022

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi I'm Naiala López, I choose this match basketball video because, this players are very famous in basketball and I think they are an example example of effort, from what I have seen they spend many hours training daily. I have chosen basketball because I find it to be a very interesting sport and it is good for keeping in good physical shape.
    I train this type of sport and it is a communication sport between a team. They have a lot of speed, endurance and strength which is what makes them win and be good players in this sport.

  2. I choose this video to comment because as Naiala said I think is very interesting and a very good example of effort. I found it interenting also because the technique of the players and how they shoot seems sometimes even artificial, they have a very clean shot. And it is also interesting to watch these games to take them as an example or to see all the effort that these players make, to see the emotion of the public and of the players themselves, that is what makes it most interesting. I haven't seen it in its entirety but the parts I have seen have enchanted me. What I didn't like very much is the length of the video, but that can't be avoided because it's a basketball game and it has to last that long, for that reason I've advanced the video.


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