martes, 22 de marzo de 2022



2 comentarios:

  1. Hello I'm Sara Rodríguez, I've chosen this video because I think it is a complete workout that you can do every day because it isn't too long. For this workout you will need a pair of weights but if you don't have them in your house, you can use other things like bottles of water. This video is divided in two 15 minute sets and each of the exercises are 40 seconds long with 20 seconds rest in between. I've found this video very interesting and I hope you like and enjoy it.

  2. Hi, my name is Sara and this is my comment about this video;
    In this video they explain a 30min workput using a 14kg (aprox) weights, they´re going to do a 15 min routine, with 40 secs. excercises & 20 sec. of rest between each of them, this being on 2 rounds.
    First they curl their legs, bending their knees while holding the weights to later stretch completely by pushing up their elbows and putting the legs back in the original position, later they do a regular pushup; later they pick one weight and do a reverse bridge press where they get from being completely curled to streching up, while they change the hand that is holding the weigth.
    Then then do weigthed crunches, where they put their legs on a 90º angle and put their hands up holdingin the weight while stretch up; next they do a leg deadlifht, where they have one leg beind the other & they go up and down stratching their back completly while having both weights, they repeat this both left & right legs changing from being the one being the other.
    After that they do a burpee press, where they change from pushing up with their legs stretched to push up the weights; later on they do side lung curls, where they use one weigth, stretch their legs away from their body and curl back almost putting the weight on the floor and stretching to the left (later the right) side.
    Then they do a sit up, having a tricep extension, later they do glute bridges.
    After that they do russian twists, where they change where the weight is situated, rotating their body from side to side; then reverse lunges, where they pick the weights & kinda do a similar action as walking but exagerating more when you stretch down, they repeat for both right & left sides; after that they do a back row with tricep extension.
    Then they do a curl, squat & press; after that they repeat all again


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